The Most Common Numerical Reasoning Tests Used by Employers
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When you are invited by an employer to take a numerical reasoning test, try asking which test publisher they are using. You can then go to that test publisher's website to get more information and possibly example test questions. Some HR staff are surprisingly helpful with this. If you are taking a numerical reasoning test, the chances are it will be written by one of these companies:
CEB SHL Verify Ability Tests - SHL (now part of CEB) are the most widely used test publisher so you are likely to come across their tests during your job hunt. Their numerical tests have a time limit of between 17 and 25 minutes so you will need to work quickly and accurately to perform well.
Kenexa Ability Tests - Kenexa are part of IBM and are another large test publisher. Their numerical tests look to the candidate very similar to those from SHL. So if you practice for a Kenexa numerical test, you will be well prepared for an SHL test, and vice versa. Kenexa typically allow candidates 20 minutes to answer 24 questions.
Talent Q Elements Numerical Ability - the big difference with these tests is that they are adaptive. That is to say the difficulty of each question is automatically determined by your performance in the previous question. So the questions become more difficult as you progress in order to quickly find your level of numerical ability. A typical time limit is 90 seconds for questions with a fresh set of information and 75 seconds per question after that. Also the number of multiple choice options is a lot greater compared with what you might be used to from SHL, making it more difficult to make a best guess.
Criterion Partnership Utopia numerical critical-reasoning test - these tests have an environmental theme. There are 30 questions with a time limit of 45 minutes but beware the questions get progressively more difficult.
Cubiks Reasoning for Business - designed to test candidates' business-orientated numerical reasoning skills. You usually get less than a minute per question.
Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (RANRA) - aims to measure deduction and evaluation skills as well as numerical ability. Time limit 20 minutes. This test is often given in combination with the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal.
Athena Numerical Reasoning Assessment - one of the few tests which used advanced Item Response Theory. Contains 21 questions and has a time limit of 30 minutes. One of the key differentiators here is that candidates have to enter their answers in a free-text field box instead of picking from multiple choice options. So type carefully!
Mendas Financial Reasoning Test - a mix of verbal comprehension and financial ability. Slightly more information to take in compared with standard numerical tests. There are 22 questions with a time limit of 35 minutes. Used by the FCA, similar to the new financial reasoning test being used by the NHS.
Bespoke numerical tests - many larger companies prefer to have their own tests created which closely match the situations candidates can expect in the job role. These tests vary slightly in style and time limit but you will still benefit from practicing the industry-standard tests.
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